How to Fold the Combi Stroller
Newer models of Combi stollers, although easy to fold once you know the procedure, fold twice unlike most other strollers that fold only once. This allows the stroller to become more compact for carrying and to save space in the trunk of the car. The procedures are the same for the first fold, no matter the model you have. Once you get the hang of folding a Combi, it should take just a few seconds to break it down.
Lock the front wheels into a straight position. Combi warns that not locking the wheels can result in damage.
Push the canopy toward the back of the stroller. This folds it flat against the back of the stroller.
Pull up on the two levers on the handle at the same time while standing behind the stroller (as if you are going to push the stroller). The levers are found at the base of the handle bar near the canopy. This unlocks the stroller and it will start to fold.
Roll the stroller on its back wheels while tipping it. It should now be folded once. Grab the child’s tray at the front of the stroller and pull it toward you if the stroller does not fully fold on its own.
Grab the handlebars with both hands and press inward to fold the stroller lengthwise in half for models that have the three-point folding feature. If the stroller does not automatically fold lengthwise, put pressure with one hand on the seat base while pushing a side of the stroller to fold it in half lengthwise. Now the stroller should look like a folded umbrella stroller.
The Combi Flare, Cosmo and Savvy stroller models have the three-point folding feature.
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- The Combi Flare, Cosmo and Savvy stroller models have the three-point folding feature.
- Creatas Images/Creatas/Getty Images