Rash Behind the Ears in Infants

A rash that appears anywhere on the body of a tiny infant can be distressing. However, a rash that appears behind the ears of a baby often can be identified as a particular, treatable condition. As with any skin condition, it's important to note other symptoms, such as fever, and consult a pediatrician for a more precise evaluation.


The measles rash usually starts behind the ears as flat red spots and then travels down the rest of the body. Measles actually is a respiratory infection, though its most common symptoms are red spots on the skin. Other signs of the disease include a fever, runny nose and cough. Measles has a vaccine, so it is much less common than it was in the past, particularly in the United States and most developed countries. There is no cure for measles; if your infant contracts measles, the virus must run its course.

Seborrheic dermatitis

An inflammation of the scalp or ears, including the area behind the ears, may be seborrheic dermatitis 2

. The skin condition may present as a scaly or oily rash, or it may appear as reddish skin. It's also known as "cradle cap" and is considered to be a combination of skin oil and the presence of a yeast called malessizia. Infrequent cleanings or the use of bath products that contain alcohol may contribute to the problem. A medicated shampoo often can solve the problem, but if it persists, a doctor may need to be consulted.


Also known as German measles, rubella is similar but different than standard measles. In addition to a rash that can begin on the face, neck or behind the ears, rubella is marked by swollen glands behind the ears, a fever, headache, aching joints and a runny nose. Symptoms usually last just a few days, though if a pregnant woman develops rubella, she may be prescribed antibiotics to help diminish the effects of the disease on her and her baby 3



If you're unsure about what's causing the rash, consult with a health care provider, such as your pediatrician or a nurse. In general, anything that cools the skin and relieves some of the itching, such as a cool, damp washcloth, can help. In addition, depending on the guidance of your pediatrician, an antihistamine medication may help, too.

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