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The Effects of Poor Parental Care on a Child's Development
Your consistent, loving care shapes your little one’s amazing developmental journey. Parents who embrace the role of parenting with enthusiasm enable children to acquire skills that maximize their life potential. Poor parental care impacts the rapid growth and change that occurs in the developing child from infancy to adolescence with long-term negative consequences 1⭐
⭐This is a verified and trusted sourcePediatrics: Understanding the Behavioral and Emotional Consequences of Child Abuse
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Physical growth and development occurs at an astonishing pace in early childhood, with poor nutrition presenting a risk for impaired physical development in the young child’s growing body. For example, children who do not receive sufficient iron in their diet may exhibit problems in reaching cognitive and motor milestones, as well as problems with anxiety, depression and social skills, according to the Child Welfare Information Gateway. Stunted physical growth and less efficient transmission of neural signals in the brain may result when parents fail to provide adequate nutrition.
Reaching Milestones
Children need stimulation from their parents in the form of praise, hugs and motivation to achieve developmental milestones. Parental apathy exists when parents do not demonstrate an interest or invest time in their child’s developmental progress. Neglected children exhibit delays in language, physical, cognitive and social development, according to the Child Welfare Information Gateway 2⭐
⭐This is a verified and trusted sourceCenter on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning: Attachment: What Works?
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Insecure Attachment
An infant’s or child’s attachment is the ongoing bond or relationship that exists between the parent and child 2⭐
⭐This is a verified and trusted source ⭐This is a verified and trusted sourceCenter on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning: Attachment: What Works?
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Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning: Attachment: What Works?
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Brain Development
Short-lived episodes of stress are not usually detrimental to a child's growth, and they may help the child learn how to adapt and respond to stressors in the future. Parents function as barriers between their children and the more harmful forms of stress 1⭐
⭐This is a verified and trusted sourcePediatrics: Understanding the Behavioral and Emotional Consequences of Child Abuse
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- long-term challenges related to academic success
- behavioral
- physical
- psychological problems
When children live in a consistently dangerous environment, the brain focuses more on survival, and less on abstract thought.
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